Voice mode
Multi mode Utility mode File mode Master mode
Multi Voice
Sequence Play
Utility mode
Owner’s Manual
FReverb When this is set to on and the [EFFECT BYPASS] button is turned on, the Reverb effect is bypassed.
FChorus When this is set to on and the [EFFECT BYPASS] button is turned on, the Chorus effect is bypassed.
Master When this is set to on and the [EFFECT BYPASS] button is turned on, the Master effect is bypassed.
n For details about the Effects, see page 118.
AutoLoad Determines whether the Auto Load function is on or off. When this is on, the instrument will automatically load
the specified files (from USB storage device) to User memory — whenever the power is turned on. For details
about the Auto Load function, see page 106.
Settings: on, off
PowerOnMode This determines the default power-on mode (and memory bank) — letting you select which condition is
automatically called up when you turn the power on.
Settings: performance, voice (USR1), voice (PRE1), GM, last, master
performance ....Performance Play mode (User Performance 001)
voice (USR1)....Voice Play mode (User Voice “USR1: 001”)
voice (PRE1)....Voice Play mode (Preset Voice “PRE 1: 001”)
GM...................Voice Play mode (GM Voices “GM: 001”)
last ...................The mode and program number registered the last time by the procedure on page 167.
master..............Master Play mode (User Master 001)
mult..................Multi Play mode (User Multi 001)
CtrlReset (Controller Reset) Determines the status of the controllers (Modulation Wheel, Aftertouch, Foot Controller, Breath Controller,
Knobs, etc.) when switching between voices. When this is set to “hold,” the controllers are kept at the current
setting. When this is set to “reset,” the controllers are reset to the default states (below).
Settings: reset, hold
If you select “reset,” the controllers will be reset to the following states/positions:
Pitch Bend ....................Center
Modulation Wheel.........Minimum
Aftertouch ....................Minimum
Foot Controller .............Maximum
Breath Controller ..........Maximum
Foot Switch ..................Off
Expression ...................Maximum
Foot Volume .................Maximum
Sustain .........................Off
[F2] I/O (Input/Output)
From this display you can set parameters related to audio input.
Mic/Line When using the A/D INPUT jacks, this determines the input source, microphone (mic) or line.
Settings: mic, line
mic...................Intended for low output equipment, such as a microphone, electric guitar or bass.
line ...................Intended for high output equipment, such as a keyboard, synthesizer, or CD player.
From this display you can set parameters related to audio output.
L&RGain Set the output gain of each jack.
Settings: 0dB, +6dB
n The Assign Gain 1&2 - 13&14 parameters are only available when the mLAN16E is installed.
Assign Gain L&R, 1&2, 3&4, 5&6,
7&8, 9&10, 11&12, 13&14
mLAN MonitorSw When this is set to on, the audio signal of the instrument output via an IEEE1394 cable to a computer will be
output also via the main OUTPUT L/MONO and R jacks. When this is set to on, the audio signal sent from a
computer to the instrument will be output via the main OUTPUT L/MONO and R jacks directly, bypassing the
Effect block.
Settings: on, off
[VOICE] → [UTILITY] → [F3]
These special voice-related settings are available only when entering the Utility mode from the Voice mode, letting you set parameters related to all the
[SF1] MEQ (Master EQ)
From this display you can apply five-band equalization to all Voices, raising or lowering the level of each
frequency band (LOW, LOWMID, MID, HIGHMID, HIGH).
The parameters are the same as in the Performance Common Edit. See page 150.
Settings: For details about EQ, see page 119.
[SF2] MEF (Master Effect)
From this display you can set the Master Effect related parameters applied to all the Voices.
The parameters are the same as in the Performance Common Edit. See page 150.