Voice mode
Multi modeUtility modeFile modeMaster mode
Multi Voice
Sequence Play
Voice Edit mode Normal Voice Edit Common Edit
Owner’s Manual
(Master EQ Offset)
From this display you can adjust the master (global) EQ settings for the entire Voice. The settings made here
are applied as offsets to the EQ settings (with the exception of “MID”) from the Utility mode, with the following
operation: [VOICE] → [UTILITY] → [F3] VOICE → [SF1] MEQ. You can use the Control sliders to edit these
parameters when the [EQ] button is turned on.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
[SF4] PORTA (Portamento)
This display allows you to set the Portamento related parameters. Portamento is used to create a smooth
transition in pitch from the first note played on the keyboard to the next.
Switch Determines whether Portamento is applied to your keyboard performance using the current Voice or not.
Settings: off, on
Time Determines the pitch transition time. Higher values result in a longer pitch change time, when Time Mode
below is set to “Time.”
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Mode Determines how the Portamento is applied to your keyboard performance.
Settings: fingered, fulltime
fingered...........Portamento is only applied when you play legato (playing the next note before releasing the previous one).
fulltime.............Portamento is always applied.
TimeMode This determines how the pitch changes in time.
Settings: rate1, time1, rate2, time2
rate1................Pitch changes at the specified rate.
time1................Pitch changes in the specified time.
rate2................Pitch changes at the specified rate within a octave.
time2................Pitch changes in the specified time within a octave.
LegatoSlope Determines the speed of the attack of legato notes, when Switch above is set to on and Mono/Poly is set to
mono. (Legato notes “overlap” each other, the next being played before the previous is released.) The higher
the value, the slower the attack rate.
Settings: 0 ~ 7
From this display you can set the control functions for the Control sliders, and determine the up/down range for
the Pitch Bend wheel.
(Control slider Assign)
Determines the function for the assignable Control sliders (1-4). Pressing the Control function button on the
panel sets the desired function row, which is automatically stored to memory with the currently selected voice.
Settings: pan, tone, assign, MEQofs, MEF, arpFx, vol
PB Upper
(Pitch Bend range Upper),
PB Lower
(Pitch Bend range Lower)
Sets the amount (in semitones) by which the pitch of the note is varied when you move the Pitch bend wheel
up/down. For example, a Lower setting of -12 would result in the pitch being lowered up to a maximum of one
octave (12 semitones) when the Pitch Bend wheel is moved downwards. Similarly, setting the Upper parameter
to +12 would result in a maximum pitch rise of one octave when the wheel is moved upwards.
Settings: -48 ~ 24
AssignA, AssignB,
Assign1, Assign2
This parameter offsets the value of each Dest (Destination) parameter. Please note that certain Destinations of
Assign A/B change the absolute value.
Volume Determines the output level of the Voice.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Pan Determines the stereo pan position of the Voice. You can also adjust this parameter using the Control slider
when the [PAN/SEND] button is turned on.
Settings: L63 (Left) ~ C (Center) ~ R63 (Right)
n When a stereo Voice is selected, this parameter setting may not be effective. Voices with Elements set to opposite Pan
settings (set in [F4] AMP → [SF1] LVL/PAN → Pan) — i.e., one at L63 and another at R63 — are considered stereo
Determines the Send level of the signal sent from Insertion Effect A/B (or the bypassed signal) to the Reverb/
Chorus effect. You can also adjust these parameters using the Control sliders when the [PAN/SEND] button is
turned on.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
n See page 121 for the Effect connection in the Voice mode.
[F3] ARP (Arpeggio)
The basic Arpeggio parameters (e.g., type, tempo) are provided in this display.
Ctgr (Category),
These three parameters determine the Arpeggio Type. The three-letter prefix number before the Type name
indicates the number within the selected Category.
Settings: Refer to the separate Data List.
Tempo Determines the Arpeggio Tempo. When MIDI Sync ([UTILITY] → [F5] MIDI → [SF3] SYNC → MIDI Sync) is set
to “MIDI,” “MIDI” is displayed here and Tempo cannot be set.
Settings: 1 ~ 300
ChgTiming (Change Timing) Determines the actual timing at which the Arpeggio type is switched when you select another type during
Arpeggio playback.
Settings: realtime, measure
realtime............The Arpeggio type is switched immediately when you select another type.
measure...........The Arpeggio type is switched at the top of the next measure after you select another type.