Panel Controls
q STANDBY/ON switch ................................13
Press to toggle the power on or off. (Power is on when
the switch is pressed in.)
w MASTER VOLUME.....................................13
This determines the overall volume of the DJX-IIB.
e DEMO button
This is used to play the Demo songs that showcase the
sophisticated capabilities of the DJX-IIB.
Press this button to start/stop the Demo songs.
To select one of the Demo songs, hold the button
down and simultaneously turn the scratch pad.
r LIVE EFFECTOR section................... 20, 48
The DJX-IIB has a wide variety of built-in effects that
affect the entire sound of the DJX-IIB and can be
manipulated in real time. Use the SELECT button to
call up one of the ten effects, then work the knobs to
change the depth and amount of the effect.
t PATTERNPLAYER buttons .......................14
Press these buttons to trigger the various patterns of
the DJX-IIB. The pattern starts immediately, as soon
as its button is pressed.
y A/B BANK button ......................................15
Each of the DJX-IIB’s patterns has 10 different varia-
tions. Use this button to switch between banks, then
use the five PATTERN PLAYER buttons to play the
desired pattern — giving you 10 different patterns to
work with!
u PATTERN button .......................................16
This button lets you select the desired pattern. Simul-
taneously hold the button down and rotate the Scratch
Pad “CD.”
i BPM/TAP button....................................... 45
This is used to change the bpm (tempo) of the selected
Each pattern of the DJX-IIB has been programmed
with a default or standard bpm (tempo); however, you
can change the bpm to any value between 32 and 280
beats per minute.
This button also determines whether the DJX-IIB will
use its own internal clock or whether it will use MIDI
clock received from the MIDI IN connector.
o KEY SHIFTER button............................... 36
This convenient button lets you change the overall
pitch of the DJX-IIB to match the music on your CDs
or vinyl, or to create chord changes. You can change
the key of the pattern by pressing this button while the
pattern is playing.
!0 ISOLATOR knobs............................... 24, 52
Use these knobs to change the timbre or tone of the
sound, adjusting the level of each frequency range:
Low, Mid, and High. Turning each knob to the right
boosts the level at that frequency, while turning it to
the left cuts it.
!1 AUDIO BPM COUNTER button, knob......62
The DJX-IIB has a powerful and convenient function
that lets you synchronize external audio (such as from
a CD or MD) with the patterns of the DJX-IIB. Hold
down this button while playing the connected audio
device. The DJX-IIB monitors the beat from the
audio, and automatically locks into the rhythm by
auto-adjusting the bpm of the DJX-IIB’s pattern. The
extracted bpm value is indicated in the display.
The SENSE knob is used to adjust the input level of
the external audio source.
!2 PATTERN STOP button ............................14
This button stops playback of the Patterns and Scratch
loops. Start the DJX-IIB’s patterns by pressing one of
the PATTERN PLAYER buttons and stop them by
pressing the PATTERN STOP button.
!3 SCRATCH PAD..........................................26
This amazing feature emulates a real turntable. Turn-
ing or rocking the CD back and forth lets you play var-
ious turntable scratches, as well as loops, hits, and
other special sound effects. Select the desired Scratch
sound or effect by pressing the SCRATCH button.
The CD “platter” can be changed as desired. (See page
!4 SCRATCH button......................................26
The Scratch Pad has a total of 74 different presets/
functions. Use this button to select the desired preset.
The preset number is always indicated in the small
display next to the SCRATCH button.
!5 LOOP button............................................ 29
Pressing this button (to turn Loop on) lets you vary
the Scratch effect in different ways, depending on the
selected Scratch preset.
!6 FILTER knobs........................................... 25
These adjust the filter cutoff and filter resonance of
each part of the pattern. For the RESONANCE knob,
turning to the right increases the effect. For the CUT-
OFF knob, turning to the right raises the frequency.
!7 Fader......................................................... 34
This determines the level balance between the pattern
and scratch sounds.
!8 Display
This shows important information on certain settings
and values of the DJX-IIB.