Chapter 17 Advanced Techniques
86 Instant reset!
Once you’ve made a few changes to the Filter or Key Shifter settings, it’s not so easy to get back to
where you started! Often, you’ll want to be able to backtrack and instantly reset the Pattern to its
original sound and pitch. In such a case, the best and easiest way to return to home base is to re-
select the Pattern.
Hold down PATTERN and simultaneously turn the Scratch Pad clockwise so the the Pattern number
in the display advances one step (+1), and then turn it back again (-1) to return to the currently
selected Pattern. Finally, release PATTERN to start the Pattern again — preferably on the “one”
downbeat. Doing this fools the DJX-IIB into thinking you’ve selected a new Pattern! However, this
effectively starts the same Pattern with all its original settings, including resetting the Key Shifter to
“0” — and puts you back at home base!
87 Hit the Part on the “one”!
We said it before, we’ll say it again— make sure you keep it in the pocket! That means making all
your hits right on the beat, so that the whole rhythm grooves.
When using the Scratch Pad as a Part Mixer, changing Parts on the downbeat is a little bit tricky.
When you add Parts to the mix, you should perform your Scratch Pad move a fraction of a second
before the actual downbeat to make sure everything flows smoothly and stays in the pocket. Sub-
tracting Parts from the mix (turning the pad counter-clockwise) is easier and more forgiving —
basically do it whenever you want, or wherever feels good!
88 Check the bpm
Need to know what the bpm of a certain track on CD or vinyl is? Here’s a convenient tool! Just tap
out the rhythm of the music as you listen to it, and the DJX-IIB displays the bpm for you — automat-
ically! (Make sure to turn down the MASTER VOLUME to keep the DJX-IIB Pattern from sounding.)
p3636.37 36.36
New Pattern
(in standby)
New Pattern
(in standby)