Panel Controls
Changing the Scratch Pad CD
Included with the DJX-IIB is a special CD-ROM disc. The disc normally serves as a “platter”
for the Scratch Pad function. Since special software is included on the disk, you will need to
remove the disc to install the software.
If you have a CD with a particular design that you like, you can replace the included CD-
ROM disc with a disc of your choice. To change the disc, follow the instructions below.
• The DJX-IIB does not read audio or other data from the Scratch Pad CD or CD-ROM. It
merely functions as a physical “platter” for controlling the Scratch Pad, and provides
added decoration. Feel free to install your own CD for different decoration if you like!
• Make sure to treat the included CD-ROM disc with care and be very careful not to damage
it (especially during removal), since the reverse side of the disc contains important data.
Yamaha cannot be responsible for any loss of data resulting from mishandling of the disc.
(Normal use of the disc as a Scratch Pad will not damage the disc.)
1 Remove the indicated screw with a screwdriver.
2 Remove the CD-ROM disk.
3 Place the desired audio CD (or CD-ROM) on the
Scratch Pad.
4 Replace and tighten the screw.
■ About the included CD-ROM
The included CD-ROM contains the following data:
• Live Movie at DJX Satellite
• DJX-II/IIB Function Guide — a fun way to get to know the DJX-IIB and its features!
• Pattern Launcher Application — for loading new Patterns to the DJX-IIB!
• Extra Patterns — a selection of specially programmed new Patterns you can load to your DJX-IIB!