5 Come down on the “one”!
The key to great timing is knowing where the “one” is. And the “one” is the first beat in a four-beat
Pattern. Another key to timing is feeling the downbeats (four downbeats to a Pattern). The DJX-IIB
makes this easy to do!
Check this out:
While the Pattern is playing, the dot in the bpm display flashes rhythmically. (If the bpm display is
not shown, press BPM/TAP.)
Try hitting a different Pattern button on the “one” downbeat — when you’ve hit it right, you’ll feel it!
If you’re having trouble coming down on the “one,” here’s a handy hint that’ll help you keep time...
Double-up your count! This works especially well for slower rhythms — because even slight devi-
ations from the beat can put glitches in your groove!
For a four-beat measure, count two on every beat — like this: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8.
Or count: “One-and-two-and-three-and-four-and...”
Try this technique while changing Patterns. Press a new PATTERN PLAYER button every bar, right
on the “one,” all the time counting out the beat like above. It’s a fool-proof way to master the
One Two Three Four
1 2Count: 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - and( or: 2 - and 3 - and 4 - and )
Hit it here!