Chapter 10
Crossfader Power
52 Quick Crossfader scratching
Here’s a cool way to change the sound of a Pattern — and put your personal scratch touches on it — without disrupting
the flow of the rhythm!
Select P50 and start V A1. Also, call up Scratch 01. While the Pattern is playing, try scratching along with the rhythm
— just to get in the groove. As you keep working the Scratch Pad, flick the Crossfader on the beat, between hard left
and hard right, like this:
Flick it fast! Make sure the Pattern plays on the “one” and “three,” while your scratching comes down on the “two” and
“four” backbeats. And keep scratching even while only the Pattern is playing — so you stay in the pocket! Try other
variations on this, cutting in to a Pattern with short scratch fills and accents.
53 Long Crossfader scratching
This one’s going to take a bit of practice! Like Tip 52 above, try flicking the Crossfader between the Pattern and your
scratching — but this time, hang with the scratch for one full bar!
That’s right — scratch for four beats, then come back in with the Pattern on the “one.” The reason this is tricky is
because you have to rely on your body and mind as the timekeeper until you flick back to the Pattern.
Helpful hints:
• Tap out the beat with your foot. Try to flick the Crossfader back just before the “one.”
• Double-up the count for slower rhythms (see Tip 5).
• Try practicing your fader-flicking without the Scratch Pad at first. Then, when you’ve got it down, bring in the scratch!
54 Pattern loop vs. scratch loop
Try Tips 52 and 53 with a Drum Loop instead of a scratch! Since the DJX-IIB keeps the Drum Loop in sync with the
Pattern, you can switch seamlessly between the two — and create a ton of new rhythms!
Select one of the Drum Loops in the Scratch kits. Try to get a loop that complements the selected Pattern. Or, if you’re
after special effects and off-the-wall beats, call up a loop that intentionally clashes with the Pattern!
Start the Pattern with the Crossfader all the way left, and turn the Scratch Pad right on the “one” to start the Drum Loop.
Then, work the Crossfader like you did in Tips 53 and 54. Try some other rhythmic flicks as well — like coming in with
the loop on beats 3 and 4, for example.
One Two Three Four
One Two Three Four One Two Three Four One Two Three Four One Two Three Four