45 Warped vinyl and a cheap turntable!
A lot of dance styles call for a lo-fi, analog sound. This simple trick lets you mimic the wow and
flutter of a warped record — or a bad turntable!
Select Scratch 72 to call up the Pitch & bpm “kit” — this lets you speed up and slow down the Pat-
tern. While the Pattern is playing, move the Scratch Pad back and forth slowly and over a short dis-
tance — just enough to waver the pitch up and down a little. For even greater lo-fi “realism,” try
using the Lo-Fi effect (Tip 16).
46 Scratch Drum Loops in sync
Here’s a real convenient feature! You’ll never have to worry about your Scratch Pad Drum Loops
drifting out of time — the DJX-IIB automatically matches up the bpm of the loops to the bpm of the
Pattern. (For information on playing Drum Loops, see Tip 25.)
However, the DJX-IIB can’t sync up your loops if you don’t play them on time! Be careful to turn
the Scratch Pad right on the beat — just as you did with the Patterns. If you don’t hit LOOP in
rhythm, just press it again to turn it off, then try again!
47 Mute the Scratch
The Scratch Pad is a sensitive little beast — even the slightest touch can put a scratch in your mix.
For those times you want to make sure the scratching stays out of the way of the Pattern, move the
Crossfader all the way to the left.