Chapter 7
Crossfader Basics
The DJX-IIB has a feather-touch Crossfader — just like those found on real DJ mixers
— that lets you crossfade between your beats and your scratching!
35 Work the Crossfader!
This short-throw, feather-touch Crossfader gives you easy and fast control over the Pattern/Scratch
balance. The center spot has a lot of leeway and is very forgiving — just get the Crossfader some-
where near the middle and the level balance is equal. To hear only the Pattern, move the fader all
the way to the left; to hear only the Scratch, move it all the way to the right.
Helpful hint:
Want to work the Crossfader the opposite way — with the Scratch Pad sound on the left and the
Pattern sound on the right? If you feel more comfortable with that arrangement, this operation’s
for you!
Simultaneously hold down the SCRATCH button and turn the power on. This reverses the opera-
tion of the Crossfader. To restore normal operation, simply turn the power off and back on again as
36 Mute the Pattern
Sometimes you’ll want to cut the Pattern out of the mix — maybe to work out on the Scratch Pad
for a while — then bring it back in instantly. The Crossfader is a great way to do this — fast and
Simply move the fader all the way to the right — preferably just before the “one” downbeat. To
bring the Pattern back in from the “one,” flip the Crossfader back to the left and hit the Pattern but-
ton, all in one motion.
To hear only the Pattern, move the
fader all the way to the left.
To hear only the Scratch, move
it all the way to the right.