Chapter 1 Pattern Player Basics
2 Switch between Banks
Even though there are five buttons in the PATTERN PLAYER, you have a total of ten Patterns at your disposal — thanks
to the A/B BANK button.
Each Bank, A and B, has five Patterns. When the A/B BANK button lamp is off, you can play Patterns A1 to A5. When
the A/B BANK button lamp is on, you can play Patterns B1 to B5. Pressing the button doesn’t change the Pattern, it only
enables the Bank. So if you press the A/B BANK button by mistake, don’t worry — simply press it again, and you’re
back to the original bank, without any sound changes!
Try this example:
1 Start Pattern A1.
Press Pattern button 1.
2 Select Bank B.
Press the A/B BANK button. The A/B BANK button is on and Pattern button 1 flashes. (The flashing Pattern button indi-
cates Bank select standby.).
Notice that Pattern A1 is still playing. It will only change if you press another Pattern button..
3 Press Pattern button 3.
Now Pattern B3 is playing.
4 Select Bank A again.
The A/B BANK button is off and Pattern button 3 flashes.
5 Press Pattern button 1.
Now you’re back to Pattern A1.