3300 ICP Hardware User Guide
204 Release 3.3
• Windows 2000 users should clear the browser cache.
To transfer database from SX-2000 MICRO LIGHT to 3300 ICP:
1. Prepare the SX-2000 MICRO LIGHT for migration:
- reduce Peripheral and DSU nodes to a maximum of 4 (this figure is a guide only;
consult a Mitel Networks Sales Engineer for actual figures)
- deprogram unsupported devices and cards (AC13, AC15, SCDC, DID3, Advanced
Tone Detector, ISDN Gateway, FIM Carrier Card, COV Line Card, 3DN, 4DN,
SOLE 2000, and datasets)
- enable MNMS Configuration Management 1 and MNMS Database Access options.
2. Program SX-2000 connectivity using Network Element Editor from the Configuration Tool.
3. Backup SX-2000 database (datasave) from the 3300 Configuration Tool. The Configura-
tion Tool will convert the SX-2000 database to a 3300 database.
4. Prepare the 3300 ICP for migration:
- Enable Options and manually reboot the system
- Change the System name in the System Options Assignment to match that of the
system being migrated
- Set the IP Address, Host Name, FTP Username, and FTP password to match the
Configuration Tool PC in the Controller Registry Configuration form.
5. Program 3300 ICP connectivity using Network Element Editor from the Configuration Tool
with the Variant as 3300 ICP.
6. Perform a Restore of the SX-2000 converted database onto the 3300 ICP. An automatic
validation operation occurs to determine if the restore can proceed.
7. Reboot the 3300 ICP. Check the logs for any data restore failures (see Note below).
8. Change the 3300 ICP system name through the System Administration Tool.
Upgrade 3200 ICP to 3300 ICP Software
• Only one 3200 ICP can be migrated to a 3300 ICP at a time.
• Migration and Configuration cannot be performed in a single task or session using the
3300 Configuration Tool.
• After migration, configuration must be completed using System Administration Tool.
• Data restoration automatically triggers data migration.
• If existing capacity is greater than that of the 3300 ICP, the conversion may fail. See the
capacity table for the 3300 ICP.
• Windows 2000 users should clear the browser cache.
Note: After the Restore and Reboot, check the log file. In the System Administration Tool,
click Maintenance and Diagnostics, select Maintenance Commands, and click All.
Type the following text in the Command line: type *.dr.logfile_1 and click Submit.