
Release 3.3 133
Dial-up Connection for Windows 2000
To create a dial-up networking connection for Windows 2000 Professional:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Accessories, click Communications, and
then click Dial-Up Connections.
2. Double click Make New Connection, and then click Next.
3. Select Dial-up to the Internet, and then click Next.
4. Select I want to set up my Internet connection manually, or I want to connect through a
local area network (LAN). Click Next.
5. Select I connect through a phone line and a modem, and then click Next.
6. Use the COM Port that has been configured as a NULL Modem connection: 38400, 8,
none, 1.
7. In the Choose Modem box, from the drop-down list select Communications cable between
2 computers. Click Next.
8. Clear the box Use area code and dialing rules, and then click Advanced.
9. For the Connection type, select PPP (Point to Point Protocol). For the Logon procedure,
select Use logon script, and then click Browse. Select pridun.scp. Click OK, and then click
10. In the Internet account logon information box, leave the username and password fields
blank and then click Next.
11. Dialog boxes appear that warn you that you will not be able to connect to your Internet
service provider without your user name and your password. Disregard these warnings
and click Yes on these boxes to continue.
12. Enter the Connection name, then click Next.
13. In the box to set up an Internet mail account, select No, then click Next.
14. De-select the option to connect to the Internet immediately, then click Finish.
15. In the Network and Dial-up Connections window, right-click on the new DUN connection,
point to Properties, then click Configure.
16. From the Maximum speed (bps) drop-down list, select 38400 for the baud rate.
17. Click OK until you exit the windows.
Install the 3300 R2 NSU
To install and configure the 3300 R2 NSU:
1. Set the DIP switches for the protocol and site installation. The default configuration of the
DIP switches will support T1 protocols in network termination mode.
2. Establish a fiber connection from the fiber port on the NSU to the fiber port on the 3300
3. Connect the NSU L0 and/or L1 port to the remote system (the PSTN or another system).
4. Install a Direct Connection Device Driver on a PC. Refer to Install the 3300 Universal NSU
for details.