
3300 ICP Hardware User Guide
132 Release 3.3
Create a Dial-up Network Connection
Typically, you will want to follow this procedure twice to create two Dial-up Networking
connections, one for on-site direct access, and one for remote modem access.
Refer to detailed instructions for:
Dial-up Networking Connection for Windows 95 or Windows 98
Dial-up Network connection for Windows 2000 Professional
Dial-up Connection for Windows 95 or Windows 98
To create a dial-up networking connection for Windows 95 or Windows 98:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Dial-Up
2. Double-click Make New Connection.
3. Enter an appropriate name for the connection (for example, Direct for direct connections,
Remote or a customer’s name for remote connections) and click Next. Note: If you are
creating a direct connection, make sure NT Direct Connection is listed in the drop-down
list in the Make a New Connection window.
4. Enter an Area Code and Telephone Number and select a Country Code from the drop-down
list. Click Next. Note: Even though it is not needed for a direct connection, Windows
requires that you enter this information.
5. Click Finish.
6. Right-click your new connection icon and click Properties.
7. Click Configure, then make sure the fields are set as follows: - Data bits: 8 - Parity: none
For a direct connection: - Maximum speed: 38400 - Check: only connect at this speed -
Select wait for dial tone before dialing - Select cancel the call time at 60 sec. - Click
Advanced and turn off error control and flow control For a remote connection: - Stop bits:
1 - Click Advanced and turn on error control and select Compress data. - Turn on flow
control and select Hardware.
8. Click OK.
9. Select Server Types tab and make sure that PPP: Windows, WindowsNT3.5, Internet or
PPP:Internet appears in the Type of Dial-Up Server field.
10. In the Advanced Options field, select Log onto Network and Enable software compression.
11. Make sure that only TCP/IP is selected in the Allowed network protocols field.
12. Select the Scripting tab and enter c:\program files\mitel\Imat\pridun.scp for a 3300 Uni-
versal NSU c:\program files\mitel\Imat\r2dun.scp for a 3300 R2 NSU.
13. Click OK.