
3300 ICP Hardware User Guide
200 Release 3.3
- Click Next to accept the location displayed and continue. You see a read-only list of
the configurations you have made.
23. Click Next.
24. Ensure that the Read manual instructions to complete the installation check box is
selected, and click Finish. The SWinstallGuide.txt README file opens.
25. From the SWinstallGuide.txt file, record the parameters you need to complete step 31
of the next sub-procedure, "Rebooting".
26. Close the instructions window.
27. Launch your communications program that connects to the 3300 ICP serial port.
28. Type reboot, and press ENTER. The 3300 Controller reboots, and a Hyperterminal
window (RTC) opens on the installer's laptop/PC. You can also reboot by pressing the
Reset button on the front panel of the 3300 Controller.
29. Press a key at the Press any key to stop auto-boot prompt. Note that you have 10
seconds to complete this step. If 10 seconds elapse before you press a key, the system
will auto-boot.
30. At [VXWorks Boot] type c, and press ENTER.
31. Change the following parameters as indicated in the RTC by inserting the information you
recorded in step 25 of "Installing 3.3 software (upgrading)" (note that the parameters are
- Boot device : motfcc
- File name : Boot_Install
- Host inet : <the IP address of the FTP server PC host (your PC)>
- User (u) : <user name for FTP server in PC host>
- Ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh) : <password for FTP server in PC host>
- Flags (f) : 0x0 (for RTC only)
32. At [VXWorks Boot], type @, or press the Reset button on the controller.
Setting your purchased Mitel options
33. Launch a browser if you do not still have one running, and go to the IP address of the 3300
Controller (for example, http://<RTC IP address>). You see the 3300 ICP ESM login page.
Timer: The system takes approximately 10 minutes to copy the files to the specified
Tip: If you miss the 10-second timeout, manually reset the controller by pressing the
Reset button. The RTC opens, and you once again have 10 seconds to complete step 29.
Timer: The system takes approximately 30 minutes to re-format the hard drive and install
the software.
Note: Your laptop/PC must have the same subnet address as the RTC IP (for example,
192.168.1.x, where x is a variable) to launch ESM.