Release 3.3 131
6. Click Have Disk.
7. Type c:\Program Files\Mitel\Imat in the Copy manufacturer's files from field and click OK.
8. On the Install from Disk window, click OK.
9. Click Next to select the NT Direct Connection.
10. Select COM 1 or COM 2, and then click Next.
11. Click Finish.
12. In the Modem Properties window, select NT Direct Connection, then click Properties.
13. Set the following parameters: - Maximum speed: 38400 - Check: only connect at this speed
- Data bits: 8 - Parity: none - Stop bits: 1 - Mode: auto answer In the Advanced Settings
window, do the following for a direct connect cable: - Turn off: error control - Turn off: flow
14. Click OK and close the Control Panel window.
Driver for Windows 2000
To install and configure Direct Connection Device Driver for Windows 2000 Professional:
1. On the Start menu, point to Settings, then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Phone and Modem Options icon.
3. Select the Modem tab.
4. Click Add.
5. Click Other on the Install New Modem screen.
6. Select Don’t detect my modem, I will select it from a list and click Next.
7. In the Modems field, select Communications cable between two computers, then click
8. Select COM 1 or COM 2, then click Next.
9. Click Finish.
10. The COM Port will be displayed in the Phone and Modem Options window, Modems tab.
Select the COM Port and then click Properties.
11. From the Maximum Port Speed drop-down menu, select 38400.
12. In the Communications cable between two computers, select the Advanced tab, and then
click Change Default Preferences.
13. From the Port speed drop-down list select 38400, and then from the Flow control
drop-down list select None.
14. Select the Advanced tab. From the drop-down menus, set the fields as follows: - Data bits:
8 - Parity: none - Stop bits: 1
15. Click OK and close the Control Panel window.