Install Upgrades and FRUs
Release 3.3 197
Before you begin
The installer's PC requires the following software and hardware:
• Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 operating system
• I.E. browser 5.5 or later, with 128-bit encryption
• FTP server running (installed with IIS or PWS, with a minimum of 250 MB free hard-drive
• Ethernet card and a connection to the Mitel Networks 3300 ICP
• RJ45 Ethernet cable
• Communications program such as VT100 or HyperTerminal
• Serial connection to the 3300 ICP maintenance port
• Java Plug-in 1.3.0
You also need
• The IP address of the 3300 ICP
• The customer's 3300 ICP username and password
• The 3300 ICP software CD
• Your 3300 ICP Mitel Options Password
Note: We strongly recommend that you ensure the ESM backup file contains voice mail
messages before running the upgrade procedure (see step 16 of "Backing up the
database" in the following upgrade procedure).
Note: It is very important to maintain current database backups; backups should be done
on a regular basis.
Note: Windows 95/98 with PWS does NOT include an FTP server application and will
not work for the upgrade process unless a third-party FTP server application is used.
Tip: You can change the following four fields in the License and Option Selection form
without a Mitel Options Password. Note that included in these fields is a new option for
Extended Agent Group:
• Country
• Networking Option
• Mitai/Tapi Computer Integration
• Extended Agent Group
Timer: The complete upgrade/install procedure takes approximately 2 hours and 20
minutes for an average-sized database (50-100 MB) and up to 8 hours for a large
database (600 MB).