
Release 3.3 93
The Conference card allows conferences on circuit switch channels. Channel conference is
accomplished by generating a sum of all data from all channels in a conference, and returning
this sum to any given channel minus the portion produced in that channel.
Both symmetrical and asymmetrical terminals are supported for conference purposes by the
Conference card. Symmetrical terminals have the same loss requirements for transmit/receive.
Asymmetrical terminals have different loss requirements for transmit than receive (i.e., analog
tie trunk). When asymmetrical and symmetrical terminals are connected in the same conference
call, the Conference card attenuates the loss level of the lines to minimize distortion between
the conference parties. Echo, a problem in multi-party conferences, is also attenuated (filtered).
DS1 Formatter Card
DS1/T1 Formatter II Card
The software is pre-loaded on the DS1/T1 Formatter card and software upgrades can be
performed in the field.
After the card is installed and running, LED behavior will indicate a download by flashing in a
downward progression. An Interface Assembly is required.
E1/T1 (DS1) Formatter Card
The E1/T1 (DS1) Formatter card provides two interfaces. Each interface controls a 24-channel
serial link. One channel (channel 24) is dedicated to signaling, and the remaining 23 channels
(traffic channels) transmit PCM voice or data samples.
A dual DIP switch on the E1/T1 card allows you to set the links for either T1 mode or E1 mode.
In T1 mode, the card operates as a DS1 Formatter card. In E1 mode, the data on channel 24
of each link is not inverted. In an MSDN private network, the links are compatible with externally
converted CEPT (E1) links. E1 mode is only supported in MSDN applications.
Setting the links for E1 or T1 operation
You can set the links for either E1 or T1 mode by using the E1/T1 switches on the side of the card.
Note: The lock latch for this card is "DS1/T1 II Formatter MC270CA".
Note: The E1/T1 (DS1) Formatter card does not provide direct connection to CEPT (E1) links
Card Specifications
Channels Provided 46 traffic channels and 2 signaling channels
Features Provided transfers data at 1.544 Mbps over T1 telephone trunks