
3300 ICP Hardware User Guide
104 Release 3.3
Telephone Power Options
Telephone Power Sources
Mitel IP Phones are capable of receiving power from a variety of sources. These include:
PowerDsine 24PT In-line Power Unit (PD-6024/AC)
local 48VDC power adapter that inserts power on the LAN cable spare pairs
power jack from a 24VDC power adapter
3300 Power Dongle (Cisco compliant) (p/n 50002922) will allow Mitel IP Phones to receive
power from a Cisco end-span Catalyst switch or a Cisco mid-span power hub.
WARNING: Sets delivered prior to Release 3.2 will NOT be equipped with the firmware
download capability. Special configuration is required to permit these telephones to be
powered from a Cisco switch or hub through the 3300 Power Dongle (Cisco compliant)
(see Pre-Release 3.2 IP Phones).
3300 Power Dongle (Cisco compliant)
The 3300 Power Dongle (Cisco compliant) is used when connecting Mitel sets on Cisco Local
Area Networks (LAN). The dongle is used when connecting Mitel IP telephones to Cisco hubs
that provide LAN power.
The dongle provides signaling to the Cisco hub or the Cisco Power Panel to provide power on
the Ethernet line.
WARNING: When power is to be supplied from the Cisco equipment to the Mitel desktop
appliance, the Ethernet cable must run directly from the Cisco equipment supplying the
power to the 3300 Power Dongle (Cisco compliant). The dongle will be directly connected
to the Mitel desktop appliance.
WARNING: When the 3300 Power Dongle (Cisco compliant) is used, equipment that
cannot support 48 volts shall not be connected to the dongle. The dongle is specifically
developed to interconnect between the Mitel desktop appliance and the Cisco power
Note: An updated set firmware load is delivered as part of the 3300 ICP Release 3.2 software.
When the 5001 IP Phone and 5005 IP Phones reset during system startup, the new firmware will
be downloaded from the 3300 ICP to the set.
Note: 5001 IP Phones and 5005 IP Phones delivered prior to 3300 ICP Release 3.2 may be powered
through the 48VDC power adapter.