Inside (intercom) calls are not recorded.
If you place a call on hold and the caller hangs up, the call is considered
complete and the record is sent to the call reporting device.
Conference calls appear as two outside calls. (This means that two
records are generated on the report.)
Output Format
The following RS-232 serial transmission protocol is used for SMDR records:
1200 baud
no parity
8 data bits
2 stop bits
The call reporting feature also supports XON/XOFF protocol, carriage returns,
and line feeds.
Serial Printers
Use a 355A adapter, which converts a modular jack interface to an RS-232
25-pin connector, to connect a serial printer to the primary processor module. If
you connect a printer, make sure the printer can receive SMDR data in the
format described above (refer to the printer’s instructions or contact the printer’s
manufacturer if you need help).
If SMDR Talk Time (#611) is set to Active and SMDR Output Format (#610) is
set to 24 digits, the combined length of the fields for a call record will be greater
than the 80 characters supported by most printers. If call records wrap around
to the next line, reduce the font size or increase the characters-per-inch setting
for the printer. If necessary, change the SMDR Output Format back to 15 digits.
Call Accounting Devices
You can send call information to a call accounting device (such as Lucent
Technologies’ Call Accounting Terminal—Basic or Plus) if you want to further
analyze call activity. The device stores rate table information and processes the
information it receives into meaningful reports that can help you optimize your
communications system. The primary application for call accounting devices is
“accounting,” or pricing of the calls.
The call accounting device connects directly to the SMDR jack on the primary
processor module and can print out reports that include summaries by hour,
line, and extension. Refer to the manual provided with the call accounting
device for instructions on connecting it to your system.
Using Auxillary Equipment