Electrical System
Table of C ontents
Parts Location.................................... 16-3
Exploded View................................... 16-4
Specifications .................................... 16-10
Special Tools and Sealant ................. 16-11
Wiring Diagram (U.S.A. and Canada) 16-12
Wiring Diagram (Australia) ................ 16-14
Wiring Diagram (Other than U.S.A.,
Canada, Australia, and Malaysia)... 16-16
Wiring Diagram (Malaysia) ................ 16-18
Precautions........................................ 16-20
Electrical Wiring................................. 16-22
Wiring Inspection ......................... 16-22
Battery ............................................... 16-23
Battery Removal .......................... 16-23
Battery Installation ....................... 16-23
Electrolyte Filling.......................... 1 6-23
Initial Charge................................ 1 6-25
Precautions .................................. 16-26
Interchange.................................. 16-27
Charging Condition Inspection..... 16-27
Refreshing Charge....................... 16-27
Charging System............................... 16-29
Alternator Cover Removal............ 16-29
Alternator Cover Installation......... 16-29
Stator Coil Removal ..................... 1 6-29
Stator Coil Installation .................. 16-30
Alternator Rotor Removal ............ 16-30
Alternator Rotor Installation ......... 16-30
Alternator Inspection .................... 16-32
Regulator/Rectifier Inspection...... 16-33
Charging Voltage Inspection........ 16-35
Ignition System .................................. 16-37
Crankshaft Sensor Removal ........ 16-37
Crankshaft Sensor Installation..... 16-38
Crankshaft Sensor Inspection...... 16-38
Crankshaft Sensor Peak Voltage
Inspection.................................. 1 6-39
Timing Rotor Removal ................. 16-39
Timing Rotor Installation .............. 16-39
Camshaft Position Sensor
Removal.................................... 16-40
Camshaft Position Sensor
Installation................................. 16-40
Camshaft Position Sensor
Inspection.................................. 1 6-40
Camshaft Position Sensor Peak
Voltage Inspection..................... 16-41
Stick Coil (Ignition Coil together
with Spark Plug Cap) Removal . 16-41
Stick Coil (Ignition Coil together
with S park Plug Cap)
Installation ................................. 16-42
Stick Coil (Ignition Coil together
with Spark Plug Cap) Inspection 16-43
Stick Coil Primary Peak Voltage .. 16-43
Spark Plug Removal .................... 16-44
Spark Plug Installation ................. 16-44
Spark Plug Cleaning and
Inspection.................................. 1 6-44
Spark Plug Gap Inspection .......... 16-44
Interlock Operation Inspection ..... 16-45
IC Igniter Inspection..................... 16-46
Electric Starter System...................... 16-49
Starter M otor Rem oval................. 16-49
Starter M otor Installation.............. 16-49
Starter Motor Disassembly........... 1 6-49
Starter Motor Assembly ............... 16-50
Brush Inspection .......................... 16-51
Commutator Cleaning and
Inspection.................................. 1 6-51
Armature Inspection..................... 16-51
Brush Lead Inspection ................. 16-52
Brush Plate and Terminal Bolt
Inspection.................................. 1 6-52
Starter Relay Inspection............... 16-52
Lighting System ................................. 16-54
Headlight Beam Horizontal
Adjustment ................................ 16-54
Headlight Beam Vertical
Adjustment ................................ 16-54
Headlight Bulb Replacement ....... 16-55
Headlight R emoval/Installation .... 16-56
City Light Bulb Replacement
(European Model) ..................... 16-56
Turn Signal Light B ulb
Replacement............................. 16-59
Turn S ignal Relay Inspection ....... 16-61
Tail/Brake Light (LED) Removal... 16-61
Tail/Brake Light (LED) Installation 16-62
Radiator Fan System......................... 16-63
Fan System Circuit I nspection ..... 16-63