Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
Crankshaft Removal
Split the crankcase (see Crankcase Splitting).
the crankshaft [A].
Crankshaft Installation
If the crankshaft, bearing inserts, or crankcase
halves are replaced with new ones, select the bear-
ing inserts and check clearance with a plastigage
(press gauge) before assembling engine to be sure
the correct bearing inserts are installed.
Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the crankshaft
main bearing inserts.
Install the crankshaft with the camshaft chain [A] hanging
on it.
Connecting Rod Removal
Split the crankcase (see Crankcase Splitting).
Remove the connecting rod nuts [A].
Remove the crankshaft.
Mark and record the locations of the connecting rods
and their big end caps so that they can be reassembled
in their original positions.
Remove the connecting rods from the crankshaft.
Discard the connecting rod bolts. To prevent dam-
age to the crankpin surfaces, do not allow the con-
necting rod bolts to bump against the crankpins.
Connecting Rod Installation
To minimize vibration, the connecting rods should
have the same weight mark.
Connecting Rod [B]
Weight Mark, Alphabet [C]
Diameter Mark [D]: “
If the connecting rods, big end bearing inserts, or
crankshaft are replaced with new ones, select the
bearing insert and check clearance with a plasti-
gage (press gauge) before assembling engine to be
sure the correct bearing inserts are installed.