Chapter 3 Using the MultiPASS Desktop Manager 3-11
Desktop Manager
Documents displayed in List View cannot be manipulated as in
Document View, such as splitting a document or merging two or more
documents. You can however, duplicate a document by highlighting it
and choosing the Duplicate command from the Edit menu, or by
clicking the right mouse button and choosing Duplicate.
To view documents in a folder as a list, make sure the folder is open.
Then choose the List View command from the View menu or click the
List View button from the Document toolbar.
Sorting Documents in the List
You can change the order of the listed documents using any of the
column labels displayed at the top of the list—type, name, number of
pages, size, and date—by simply clicking on the column label. You can
also select Sort By options from the View menu, or by clicking the right-
mouse button in the work area. Sorting by page, size, or date and time
displays documents with the largest document or most current
document last. The list will display in the selected order each time you
open the folder unless you change the sort option.
To change the order of the list, click the title of the appropriate column
at the top of the list. To return the sort to its previous order, click the
column again.
Viewing Documents
To view a document, double-click it, or choose the Open Document
command from the File menu. The MultiPASS Viewer will be launched
and will display the selected page.