Chapter 4 Sending Faxes With the MultiPASS C3500 4-41
Creating a Drawing Graphic
You can also annotate your cover page with one or more drawing objects
that include a straight line, a single-headed arrow, a hollow rectangle,
and a hollow circle or ellipse. When you draw the object, you can select
the color, line thickness, and style of line for the object.
1. On the Annotation toolbox, click the drawing object tool:
Arrow/Line, Rectangle, or Circle.
2. From the Annotation menu, select the color, line thickness, and style
of line for the object you are drawing. For an arrow or line, also
select the particular style you want to use.
3. At the desired location in the layout area, drag the cursor to draw
the object. When you release the mouse button, the object is
4. From the File menu, click Save. The new graphic is added to the
cover page.
Adding Variable Data Fields
You can insert variable fields that are filled in with actual data when you
attach the cover page to a particular fax. You can choose any or all of the
available fields, placing them at a desired location in the layout area.
Fields are placed on top of any cover page background or imges. Each
field displays sample text to illustrate the current font, font size, and text
attributes. Actual data is added to the field when the fax is sent.
Only the variable fields shown in the variables bin are available for you
to use in the cover page. You cannot add or delete a field to or from the
existing set. You also cannot use a single field more than once on a cover
Inserting a field
1. Click the desired data field on the Variables Bin.
2. Drag the cursor to draw an appropriately sized square or rectangle
in the layout area.
3. Click the Selection tool from the Annotations toolbox, then click the
new data field.
Sending Faxes