Chapter 2 Printing With the MultiPASS C3500 2-11
Recommended Graphics Settings
You can select the following printing options from the Graphics tab to
achieve the specified results.
Driver settings
To achieve Print Quality Color Model Results
Fastest B&W Draft Monochrome Uses less ink. Output
output possible 180 × 180 dpi quality is draft.
Fast letter quality Standard Monochrome Slightly slower than
output 360 × 360 dpi draft. Quality is standard.
Fast B&W photograph Standard and Monochrome Slower than B&W but
and graphic output Fine On better grayscale quality.
360 × 360 dpi
High quality High and Monochrome Produces highest
output Fine Off resolution output.
720 × 360 dpi
High quality High and Monochrome Slower than Standard but
photograph and Fine On optimizes B&W grayscale
graphic output 720 × 360 dpi quality.
Fast color output Draft Color Uses less ink. Output
180 × 180 dpi quality is draft.
Color output Standard Color Fast color printing but
360 × 360 dpi quality is not optimized.
High quality High and Color Uses Drop Modulation
color output Fine On Technology to optimize
720 × 360 dpi color print quality but the
print speed is slower.
Photo-realistic Standard Photo Color Produces photo-realistic
color printing 360 × 360 dpi color printing. (Requires
BC-22e Photo BJ Cartridge
and High Resolution
Paper HR-101 or Glossy
Photo Paper GP-201.)
True photo High Photo Color Uses Drop Modulation
quality printing 360 × 360 dpi Technology™ to produce
true photo quality.
(Requires BC-22e Photo
BJ Cartridge and High
Resolution Paper HR-101
or Glossy Photo Paper