Chapter 4 Sending Faxes With the MultiPASS C3500 4-19
Previewing the cover page
To view a selected cover page before sending the fax, click Preview.The
cover page displays the specified recipient(s) and other fax information,
including memo text. This display is read only; you cannot edit it.
To print the cover sheet, choose the Print command from the File menu.
In the Print dialog, choose your printing options and click OK.
To close the Preview window, choose the Exit command from the File
menu. For instructions on editing a cover page, refer to Designing a Fax
Cover Page on page 4-31.
Entering fax sender information
To identify yourself as the sender of the PC fax, enter your name and
telephone number in the From and Phone boxes. Once you send your
first PC fax, this information is automatically displayed the next time
you send a PC fax. You can change the information as necessary.
Sending Faxes