7-4 Working With Documents in the Desktop Manager Chapter 7
Creating a Folder
To better organize your documents in the Desktop Manager, you can
create additional folders when needed and store them in the Cabinet.
Like creating any Windows folder, you can name the folder anything
you like.
1. In the Desktop Manager, click the Cabinet, or if you want to store
a folder within a folder, click the applicable folder.
2. Choose the New Folder command from the File menu.
3. In the Create Folder dialog box, enter a name of your new folder
and click OK.
Moving a Document
You can move a document from:
❍ A system-defined folder to a user-defined folder
❍ A system-defined folder or user-defined folder to the Trash folder
❍ One user-defined folder to another user-defined folder
You cannot move a document into a system-defined folder other than
the Trash folder.
1. In either Document View or List View, open the folder containing
the document you want to move.
2. Drag the document to the desired folder.
In Document View, the document is placed in the first available grid
space. In List View, the document is placed in the appropriate sort order.