Chapter 8 Setup and Other Utilities in the Desktop Manager 8-23
Removing the MultiPASS Server From StartUp
Closing the MultiPASS Server does not remove it from the Windows
StartUp group. If you have disconnected your MultiPASS, the next time
you start Windows, the MultiPASS Server will try to open. At that time,
the MultiPASS Server will be unable to detect the device and it will
display an error message.
When you close the message dialog box, the MultiPASS Server closes
automatically, because it cannot detect the MultiPASS unit. Your port
remains available for you to use with other devices.
However, if you would like to prevent the message from displaying each
time you start Windows, you can remove the MultiPASS Server from the
StartUp group.
The following instructions summarize the procedures for removing a
program from Windows StartUp. For more details, refer to your
Windows user documentation.
1. On the Windows desktop, click the right mouse button on Start.
2. On the displayed menu, click Open.
3. In the Start Menu window, double click the Programs icon.
4. In the Programs window, double-click the StartUp icon.
5. In the StartUp window, click the MultiPASS Server icon and press
the Delete key.
Restarting the MultiPASS Server
If you reconnect the MultiPASS to the port and want to begin using the
Desktop Manager again, the MultiPASS Server is restarted automatically
when you open the Desktop Manager. You can also open the MultiPASS
Server without opening the Desktop Manager.
1. On the Windows desktop, click Start and then point to Programs.
2. On the Programs menu, point to Canon MultiPASS Desktop
Manager 3.0, then click Canon MultiPASS Server.
The MultiPASS Server starts automatically.
Setup and Utilities
Desktop Manager