Chapter 7 Working With Documents in the Desktop Manager 7-7
Deleting a Document
Open the folder with the document you want to delete and click the
document, then do one of the following.
❍ Choose the Delete command from the Edit menu.
❍ Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
❍ Click the right mouse button and choose Delete.
When the confirmation message displays, click Ye s. The document is
moved into the Trash folder.
Deleting a Folder
Click the folder you want to delete, then do one of the following.
❍ Choose the Delete command from the Edit menu
❍ Press the Delete key on your keyboard
❍ Click the right mouse button and choose Delete.
When the confirmation message displays, click Ye s.
If you have documents in a folder you are attempting to delete, choosing
Yes on the confirmation message will delete both the documents and the
folder. Deleted documents are moved into the Trash folder.
Restoring a Deleted Document
If a document is in the Trash folder, you can restore it to its original
folder provided it was deleted from a user-defined folder.
1. In the Desktop Manager, click the Trash folder.
2. In the Trash folder, drag the document you want to restore into its
applicable user-defined folder.
Documents that have been deleted from the Trash folder cannot be
Documents in
Desktop Manager