Chapter 4 Sending Faxes With the MultiPASS C3500 4-43
4. On the File menu, click Save or Save As.
If you would like to keep the original page, use Save As to give
the modified page a new distinct name.
If you would like to replace the original cover page, use Save.
Adjusting Text and Variable Fields
Once you have placed the desired text labels and variable fields into the
layout area, you can adjust the appearance of any text or data field. You
can resize, move, or delete text or data fields. When you delete a data
field, the field is removed from the layout area and returned to the
variables bin.
Additionally, you can set the text attributes for text or data fields and
align two or more fields on the right, left, top, or bottom.
❍ To select text or data field in the layout area:
To select a single text box or data field, click the Select tool from
the Annotations toolbox, then click the text box or data field.
To select more than one text box or data field, hold down the
Shift key and click the desired text and/or data fields.
❍ To move text or data fields, drag the selected text box or data field to
the new location.
❍ To delete a text box or data field, select the text box or data field and
press the
Delete key.
Resizing a field
With the exception of the Memo field, most of the variable fields consist
of a single line of text. If the variable information to be placed in the
field is longer than the field size, the text does not automatically wrap
onto the next line. Instead, the text is truncated to fit the length of the
field. For this reason, you may want to resize fields to ensure that the full
line of text is visible on the cover page when the fax is sent.
Because the Memo field typically contains multiple text lines, this
variable field does provide for automatic text wrapping. However, make
sure the size of the Memo field is large enough to accommodate the
length of memo text that you may enter in the Send Fax dialog box. If
the Memo field is not large enough, not all the lines of a memo text may
be visible when the fax cover page is sent.
To resize the field, click the field and drag any sizing handle.
Sending Faxes