Administering Business Advocate on Communication Manager
88 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Dynamic Percentage Adjustment
Dynamic Percentage Adjustment? y (yes) or n (no) - The Dynamic Percentage
Adjustment? field on the Hunt Group form is used to enable the Dynamic Percentage
Adjustment enhancement. If set to y, Advocate automatically adjusts an agent’s target
allocations according to the level of service that is being achieved for the agent’s assigned skills
and the predefined service levels for those skills. This field is only used only if you are using
Percentage Allocation Distribution (PAD), Universal Call Distribution-Least Occupied Agent
(UCD-LOA), or Expert Agent Distribution-Least Occupied Agent (EAD-LOA) as an agent
selection method. The default value for this field is n.
The predefined service level targets are administered using the Service Level Target
field of the Hunt Group form, which is described separately.
Note: The Dynamic Percentage Adjustment? field is displayed only if you enter
pad, ucd-loa, or ead-loa in the Group Type field on the Hunt Group form
and if the Dynamic Advocate option is set on the System-Parameters
Customer-Options form.
Service level target
Service Level Target: x (%) in y (secs) - The Service Level Target: field on page 2 of
the Hunt Group form is used to set a specific service level target, that is, to a percentage of calls
that are answered in a specific number of seconds for a skill. The defaults are 80 (percent) in
20 (seconds).
This field is used with Dynamic Threshold Adjustment if you are using Service Level Supervisor
or Dynamic Percentage Adjustment if you are using Percent Allocation. When Dynamic
Threshold Adjustment is in use, the actual performance for a skill is compared to the service
level target to determine if the overload thresholds should be adjusted up or down. When
Dynamic Percentage Adjustment is in use, the performance for a skill is compared to the
service level target to determine if the target allocations should be adjusted up or down.
Note: The Service Level Target: field is displayed only if you enter y in the
Dynamic Adjustment Threshold? or Dynamic Percentage
Adjustment? field on the Hunt Group form and the Dynamic Advocate
customer option is set on the System-Parameters Customer-Options form.
Dynamic Queue Position
Dynamic Queue Position? y (yes) or n (no) - The Dynamic Queue Position? field on
page 2 of the Hunt Group form is used to activate this feature. Enter y to allow calls to queue
from various VDNs, each with separate service objectives, to a single skill. The default value for
this field is n.
Note: The Dynamic Queue Position? field is displayed only if the Dynamic
Advocate customer option is set on the System-Parameters Customer-Options