Overview of Business Advocate
40 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
For information about how SLS works with Location Preference Distribution, see Reserve
agents and Location Preference Distribution on page 111.
What happens when a skill goes over threshold
A skill goes over threshold when either the EWT or the time in queue (Oldest Call Waiting)
exceeds a preadministered threshold. When a skill goes over threshold, reserve agents are
activated or call selection override is activated, according to which of these options you
Assigning reserve agents
You can assign reserve agents to assist with skills that become overloaded during peak times.
You can assign reserve skills in addition to an agent’s standard skills or you can assign reserve
skills to an agent who would not handle calls unless contingency operations are in effect.
Reserve skills are not mandatory, but they are a convenient method for automatically triggering
contingency operations for your contact center.
You can administer two reserve levels:
● Reserve Level 1 - Agents are eligible to receive calls from the overloaded skill when the first
or second administered threshold is exceeded
● Reserve Level 2 - Agents are eligible to receive calls from the overloaded skill when the
second administered threshold is exceeded.
See Administering Service Level Supervisor
on page 103 for procedures on assigning reserve
skills for agents.
Activation of reserve agents
Reserve agents can be activated at each overload threshold. These reserve agents are eligible
to take calls from a reserve skill only when that skill is in an overload state. When the skill
returns to a normal state, calls from that skill are no longer sent to reserve agents.
Considerations for reserve skills
If you determine that you want to administer reserve skills, consider the following questions for
each skill:
● Which agents are able to back up that skill?
● Are you willing to have agents occasionally shift from their accustomed work in order to serve
as reserve agents for the skill? Remember that agents are often less effective or more costly
when handling calls from skills that are not their primary assignments.
● Which reserve levels will you assign for selected agents?