152 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Modify A CMS action that changes the database entry to reflect the new values that
are entered in the current primary window.
Monthly data Daily data that has been converted to a monthly summary.
Most Idle Agent (MIA) An ACD distribution method that maintains a queue of idle agents. An agent
is put at the end of the list for a particular skill when the agent completes an
ACD call for that skill.
Multi-Agent Skill
Change dialog box
This dialog box allows the user to perform the following administration
actions: add one or more agents to a skill, move one or more agents from
one skill to another, remove one or more agents from a skill, and change the
skill level for one or more agents’ skills.
Multiple Call Handling
A feature that allows a single agent to handle multiple ACD and/or non-ACD
calls simultaneously. All but one of the calls must be on hold and only one
call can be ringing. There are four types of Multiple Call Handling, each of
which provides an alternative definition of an available agent as follows:
On-request: An agent is considered available if all calls are on hold, an
unrestricted call appearance is available, and the agent requests an ACD call
by pressing the AI or MI button.
Many-forced: An agent is considered available if an unrestricted call
appearance is available and the agent is in the AI or MI work mode.
One-forced: An agent is considered available if no ACD calls are ringing,
active, or on hold, an unrestricted call appearance is available, and the agent
is in the AI or MI work mode.
One-per-skill: An agent is considered available for a skill if an unrestricted
call appearance is available and the agent is in the AI or MI work mode and
is not currently handling a call for the skill.
Multiple skill queuing With Call Vectoring, a call can be queued in up to three skills at the same
Multiuser mode Any administered CMS user can log in to CMS. Data continues to be
collected if data collection is “on.”
Name (synonym)
Fields in which you may enter a name (synonym) that has been entered in
the Dictionary subsystem, for example, names of agents, splits or skills,
agent groups, trunk groups, vectors, or VDNs.
Non-primary skill When a call is queued to multiple skills, the second and third skills to which
the call queues in a VDN are called non-primary skills. They are also referred
to as secondary and tertiary skills, respectively.