Administering Business Advocate on Communication Manager
86 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Group Type (Agent Selection method)
Group Type: EAD-MIA, EAD-LOA, UCD-MIA, UCD-LOA, PAD - The Group Type: field is
displayed on page 1 of the Hunt Group form. This field is used to determine the type of selection
method that you want to use in an agent surplus condition for the skill. Selection methods (and
acceptable field entries) include ead-mia, ead-loa, ucd-mia, ucd-loa, and pad. The
default for this field is ucd-mia.
Expected Call Handling Time
Expected Call Handling Time (sec) - The Expected Call Handling Time(sec): field
on page 2 of the Hunt Group form is used to initialize the calculations for Expected Wait Time
(EWT) and Percent Allocation. This setting, which you must administer for each skill when
Business Advocate is first set up, is the average call handling time for this skill. This includes
talk time and after call work (ACW), if ACW is being counted as work time.
Note: If your average call handling time changes significantly over a period of time, you
will want to adjust this field to more closely match the actual call handling time.
Such adjustments will allow the Percent Allocation feature to work most
Service Objective
Service Objective: (sec) - The Service Objective(sec): field (on page 2 of the Hunt
Group form) is used to administer a specific service objective for a skill (and is used in place of
the original Acceptable Service Level(sec): field, which is now used only for BCMS
and VuStats). The entry for this field is the number of seconds in which you want the call to be
answered. The default value is 20.
Note: This field is displayed only if the Business Advocate customer option is set on the
System-Parameters Customer-Options form.
Service Level Supervisor
Service Level Supervisor? y (yes) or n (no) - The Service Level Supervisor? field
on page 2 of the Hunt Group form determines whether you use reserve agents or call selection
override when a skill goes over a predetermined threshold. If y is entered, reserve agents
may be engaged to help the skill and call selection may (optionally) include call selection
override. If n is entered, reserve agents will not be engaged and call selection override cannot
be administered. The default for this field is n.
Note: The overload thresholds for Service Level Supervisor are set using the Level 1
Threshold(sec): and Level 2 Threshold(sec): fields on the Hunt
Group form.