Staffed agent
Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Roving agents Agents with Greatest Need call handling preference have a role of Roving for
that skill. That is, they receive calls based on a call’s priority and time in
queue, rather than on an assigned skill level.
Scripting The CMS Scripting feature lets you create a script to run a specified report or
run a report and export the data on schedule. The scripts require a
customer-provided scheduler to be run at a later time.
SEIZED A trunk state. A call is using the trunk either incoming or outgoing.
Service Level A time specified in seconds within which all calls should be answered.
Normally set as an objective by management. Usually referred to as
Acceptable Service Level.
Service Level
A feature that allows you to administer one or two overload thresholds for a
skill that will be supported by reserve agents. When the Expected Wait Time
(EWT) for an arriving call exceeds the threshold (or optionally, the time in
queue of a currently queued call), the skill goes into an overload state.
When the appropriate overload state exists, agents who are preassigned to
assist during overload periods are eligible to receive subsequent calls from
the overloaded skill.
Service Objective Service Objective works in conjunction with the Greatest Need and Skill
Level call handling preferences to assign calls to agents as the agents
become available. This feature is designed to give different levels of service
to different skills.
Service Objective allows you to administer an acceptable service level per
skill. DEFINITY ECS R6 or later determines which skill has a call with the
highest percentage of time accrued toward the administered service
objective time.
Single-user mode Only one person can log into CMS. Data continues to be collected if data
collection is “on.” This mode is required to change some CMS administration.
Site See Location
Skill Also known as an EAS hunt group. Calls are queued to skills and agents log
into skills to become eligible to receive incoming calls.
Staffed agent An agent who is currently logged in to the switch.