Feature interactions
116 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Auto available skills
An EAS auto available agent cannot be administered with a reserve skill.
Location Preference Distribution
For information about how Service Level Supervisor interacts with Location Preference
Distribution, see Reserve agents and Location Preference Distribution
on page 111.
Multiple call handling
When a reserve agent in an Multiple Call Handling (MCH) skill becomes available and the skill
is over threshold, the agent is eligible to receive calls for that skill, and all existing MCH rules
apply. When a reserve agent in an MCH skill becomes available and the skill is not over
threshold, the agent is not eligible to receive calls for that skill regardless of the MCH type. The
administered MCH type for a skill does not change when the skill is over threshold.
Multiple skill queuing
When Service Level Supervisor is used, a call that is queued as a result of the Multiple Skill
Queuing feature can change the state of a skill from normal to level 1 or from level 1 to level 2.
Similarly, dequeuing a call that is queued as a result of the Multiple Skill Queuing feature can
change the state of a skill from level 2 to level 1 or from level 1 to normal.
Redirect on no answer (RONA)
A call that is queued after being redirected can change the state of a skill from normal to level 1
or from level 1 to level 2, and such calls can be routed to reserve agents.