Agent administration
Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Reviewing agent skills
To review an agent’s skill assignments:
1. In the Change Agent Skills dialog box, choose one of the following actions:
● Click OK to accept the skill assignments.
● Click Add Skills or Delete Skills and follow the steps provided in this section to add or
delete skills.
Adding skills per agent
Individual agent login IDs can be added to a skill through either individual administration or by
copying the definition from one agent login ID to another.
To assign an agent to a skill:
1. In the Change Agent Skills dialog box, click Add Skills.
2. Add skills for the agent.
The Add Agent Skills dialog box opens.
3. Select a skill for the agent and administer the agent’s skill level or percent allocation for that
See Call selection methods
on page 23 for details about using Skill Level or Percent
4. Click OK to accept the skill assignments.
Deleting skills per agent
To remove an agent from a skill:
1. In the Change Agents Skills dialog box, click the skill from which you want to remove the
2. Click Delete Skills.
The Delete Agent Skills dialog box opens.
3. Click OK to delete the skill or skills.