Read permission
154 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Read permission The CMS user can access and view data, for example, run reports or view
the Dictionary subsystem. Read permission is granted from the User
Permissions subsystem.
Real-time database Consists of the current and previous intrahour data on each CMS-measured
agent, split, trunk, trunk group, vector, and Vector Directory Number (VDN).
Real-time reports Display current ACD call activity on agents, splits or skills, trunks, trunk
groups, vectors, and VDNs for the current or previous intrahour interval.
Current intrahour interval real-time reports are constantly updated as data
changes during the interval. Previous intrahour interval real-time reports
show data totals for activity that occurred in the previous intrahour interval.
Redirect On No
Answer (RONA)
An ACD capability that assists the user if a call is not answered in a specified
number of rings as preset by the contact center manager. The terminal
extension, including a VRU port, is busied out and the call goes back into the
queue at a higher priority.
Refresh rate The number of seconds CMS waits for each update of the real-time report
data. A user's fastest allowable refresh rate is defined in the User
Permissions - User Data window as a minimum refresh rate. The default
refresh rate when a user brings up the report input window is the
administered minimum refresh rate plus 15 seconds.
Reserve agent A reserve agent in Business Advocate is an agent who is eligible to receive a
call only when a skill is in an over-threshold state. Reserve agents can be
reserve 1 or reserve 2. Reserve 1 agents serve a skill that has exceeded its
assigned overload 1 or overload 2 threshold. Reserve 2 agents only serve a
skill that has exceeded its assigned overload 2 threshold.
Reserve level A reserve level is a parameter of agent administration that specifies a certain
skill as being handled by an agent only when an administered Business
Advocate Service Level Supervisor threshold has been exceeded. There are
two reserve levels, which correspond to the two thresholds that can be
administered for a skill.
RINGING An agent state. The time a call rings at an agent's voice terminal after leaving
the queue and before the agent answers the call.
A trunk state. A call is ringing at the agent's voice terminal.
Rolling ASA See Average Speed of Answer (ASA)