General Information
Before You Start- Safety Precautions
1.3 Before You Start - Safety Precautions
This product is designed for quality assurance testing of therapeutic radiation treatment machines. It is
not for machine calibration nor is it intended as a substitute for a precision dosimeter system (Farmer-type
Probe and Electrometer with official calibration). Its use should be restricted to the monitoring of
constancy of output, flatness, and symmetry. It is the responsibility of the user to establish the correct
procedure of uses including the initial configuration of the device, (via the Customization program
included). Quality assurance testing should be done by qualified personnel under the supervision of a
trained medical physicist. The Model 90100 TRACKER System should be used only by people who are:
• aware of and understand the limitations of the device as they relate to the measurement of radiation
• knowledgeable about safety procedures observed when working with radiation sources, such as
therapy radiation machines;
• aware of safety precautions required to avoid possible injury when using electrical/electronic
Please take the time to read this manual carefully before operating this instrument.
1.4 Safety Terms
The following terms are used in this manual.
The heading used in this manual explains dangers that might result in personal injury or
death. Always read the associated information very carefully before performing the indicated procedure.
The heading used in this manual explains hazards that could damage the instrument.
Such damage may invalidate the warranty.
1.5 Manual Addenda
Any improvements or changes concerning the instrument or manual will be explained in an addendum
included with the manual. Be sure to note these changes and incorporate them into the manual.
1.6 Specifications
1.6.1 Model 35300A Detector
Source Modes and Energies
Photons: 300 keV to 25 MeV, with suitable build-up material
Electrons: 2 MeV to 25 MeV, with suitable build-up material