Troubleshooting the Filer Hardware 3-21
If a system problem has caused the system to halt or restart, the LCD displays one of
the system halt messages listed in Table 3-11.
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CPU fan has failed The filer’s CPU fan has stopped function-
ing. The system automatically shuts down.
Dumping core The system is dumping core after a sys-
tem crash.
For information about core files, refer to
Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N
System Administrator and Command Ref-
erence Guide .
Disk hung during swap! A disk error occurred as you were hot
swapping a disk. To recover, disconnect
the Dell PowerVault 700N storage system
from the power supply and wait 15 sec-
onds to allow all disks to spin down.
Reconnect the power source to the Dell
PowerVault 700N storage system and
enter boot to restart the system.
Error dumping core The system cannot dump core during a
system crash; the system restarts without
dumping core.
Halted This message appears after you enter a
halt command or after the system is
halted automatically because of a prob-
lem. If an error message appears during
the restart, follow the instructions sug-
gested in this chapter to fix the problem.
ISA IOCHK ISA bus failure.
Panicking The system is crashing. If the system
does not hang while crashing, the mes-
Dumping core
, appears.
Rebooting The system is restarting. The boot mes-
sages follow.
Replace NVRAM batteries! Both NVRAM batteries are discharged.
The system automatically shuts down.