ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
anti-virus 194
collecting data 176
configuration overview 107
content filtering 198
daily 724
daily e-mail 724
IDP 196
specifications 178
traffic statistics 175
reset 773
vs reboot 755
RESET button 35, 773
1058 (RIP) 298
1389 (RIP) 298
1587 (OSPF areas) 300
1631 (NAT) 293
1889 (RTP) 342
2131 (DHCP) 268
2132 (DHCP) 268
2328 (OSPF) 299
2402 (AH) 383, 405
2406 (ESP) 383, 405
2510 (Certificate Management Protocol or
CMP) 641
2516 (PPPoE) 270
2637 (PPTP) 270
2890 (GRE) 270
3261 (SIP) 342
RIP 298
and Ethernet interfaces 221
and OSPF 298
and static routes 298
and to-ZyWALL firewall 298
authentication 298
direction 222
redistribute 298
RIP-2 broadcasting methods 222
versions 222
vs OSPF 297
Rivest, Shamir and Adleman public-key
algorithm (RSA) 640
round robin 279
troubleshooting 765
Routing Information Protocol, see RIP
routing protocols 297
and authentication algorithms 309
and Ethernet interfaces 220
RSA 640, 644, 651
RTP 342
see also ALG 342
safety warnings 8
same IP 503
scan attacks 491
scanner types 477
SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol)
troubleshooting 770
schedules 611
and content filtering 533, 534
and current date/time 611
and firewall 355, 370, 454, 457, 460
and policy routes 288, 451, 454, 457, 460
one-time 611
recurring 611
types of 611
where used 105
screen resolution 43
SecuExtender 433
Secure Hash Algorithm, see SHA1
Secure Socket Layer, see SSL
security associations, see IPSec
security settings
troubleshooting 761
self-directory-traversal attack 530
self-referential directories 530
sensitivity level 520
serial number 159
service control 136, 689
and to-ZyWALL firewall 689
and users 690
limitations 689
timeouts 690
service groups 606
and firewall 370
and port triggering 290
in IDP 491
where used 105
service objects 605