ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
types of 599
where used 105
address record 685
admin user
troubleshooting 770
admin users 583
multiple logins 594
see also users 583
ADP 513
base profiles 514, 517
configuration overview 103
false negatives 518
false positives 518
inline profile 518
monitor profile 518
port scanning 525
prerequisites 103
protocol anomaly 514
traffic anomaly 514, 518
Advanced Encryption Standard, see AES
AES 400
AF 293
AH 383, 405
and transport mode 406
alerts 726, 729, 730, 733, 734, 735
anti-spam 570
anti-virus 470
IDP 488
ALG 335, 341
and firewall 335, 338
and NAT 336, 338
and policy routes 337, 338, 341
and trunks 341
configuration overview 100
FTP 336
H.323 336, 342
peer-to-peer calls 337
RTP 342
see also VoIP pass through 336
SIP 336
tutorial 139
Anomaly Detection and Prevention, see ADP
anti-spam 565, 571
action for spam mails 571
alerts 570
black list 566, 571
concurrent e-mail sessions 204, 568
configuration overview 104
DNSBL 567, 571, 576
e-mail header buffer 567
e-mail headers 566
excess e-mail sessions 568
general settings 567
identifying legitimate e-mail 565
identifying spam 566
log options 570
mail sessions threshold 568
POP2 566
POP3 566
prerequisites 105
priority 569
regular expressions 574
SMTP 566
statistics 203
status 205
white list 565, 571, 573, 575
anti-virus 463, 464
alerts 470
black list 470, 472
boot sector virus 477
configuration overview 103
e-mail virus 477
engines 464
file decompression 470
file infector virus 477
firmware package blocking 471
log options 470
macro virus 477
packet scan 464
packet types 464
polymorphic virus 477
prerequisites 103
priority 467
registration status 467
scanner types 477
signatures 474
statistics 194
trial service activation 212
troubleshooting 760, 763
troubleshooting signatures update 760
virus 464
virus types 477
white list 470, 474
worm 464
Apache server 529, 530
Apache-whitespace attack 529