Chapter 47 File Manager
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 234 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File
Rename Use this button to change the label of a configuration file on the ZyWALL.
You can only rename manually saved configuration files. You cannot
rename the lastgood.conf, system-default.conf and startup-
config.conf files.
You cannot rename a configuration file to the name of another
configuration file in the ZyWALL.
Click a configuration file’s row to select it and click Rename to open the
Rename File screen.
Figure 431 Maintenance > File Manager > Configuration File >
Specify the new name for the configuration file. Use up to 25 characters
(including a-zA-Z0-9;‘~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}’,.=-).
Click OK to save the duplicate or click Cancel to close the screen
without saving a duplicate of the configuration file.
Remove Click a configuration file’s row to select it and click Remove to delete it
from the ZyWALL. You can only delete manually saved configuration
files. You cannot delete the system-default.conf, startup-config.conf
and lastgood.conf files.
A pop-up window asks you to confirm that you want to delete the
configuration file. Click OK to delete the configuration file or click Cancel
to close the screen without deleting the configuration file.
Download Click a configuration file’s row to select it and click Download to save
the configuration to your computer.