Chapter 32 Content Filtering
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
This category includes pages that promote or provide
information about spectator sports, recreational activities, or
hobbies. This includes pages that discuss or promote camping,
gardening, and collecting.
Travel This category includes pages that promote or provide
opportunity for travel planning, including finding and making
travel reservations, vehicle rentals, descriptions of travel
destinations, or promotions for hotels or casinos.
Vehicles This category includes pages that provide information on or
promote vehicles, boats, or aircraft, including pages that
support online purchase of vehicles or parts.
Humor/Jokes This category includes pages that primarily focus on comedy,
jokes, fun, etc. This may include pages containing jokes of
adult or mature nature. Pages containing humorous Adult/
Mature content also have an Adult/Mature category rating.
Software Downloads This category includes pages that are dedicated to the electronic
download of software packages, whether for payment or at no
Pay to Surf This category includes pages that pay users in the form of cash
or prizes, for clicking on or reading specific links, email, or web
Peer-to-Peer This category includes pages that distribute software to
facilitate the direct exchange of files between users, including
software that enables file search and sharing across a network
without dependence on a central server.
Streaming Media/MP3s This category includes pages that sell, deliver, or stream music
or video content in any format, including sites that provide
downloads for such viewers.
Proxy Avoidance This category includes pages that provide information on how to
bypass proxy server/appliance features or gain access to URLs
in any way that bypasses the proxy server/appliance. It also
includes any service that will allow a person to bypass the
content filtering feature, such as anonymous surfing services.
For Kids This category includes pages designed specifically for children.
Web Advertisements This category includes pages that provide online advertisements
or banners. This does not include advertising servers that serve
adult-oriented advertisements.
Web Hosting This category includes pages of organizations that provide top-
level domain pages, as well as web communities or hosting
Extreme This category includes pages that are extreme in nature and not
suitable for general viewership. Includes sites that revel in or
glorify gore, human or animal suffering, scatological or other
aberrant behaviors, perversities, or debaucheries. Visual or
written depictions deemed to be of an unusually horrific nature
are included. These sites are salacious that are bereft of
historical context, educational value or artistic merit created
solely to debase, dehumanize or shock. Examples include
necrophilia, cannibalism, scat and amputee fetish sites.
Table 162 Configuration > Anti-X > Content Filter > Filter Profile > Add (continued)