Chapter 8 Dashboard
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
Flash Usage This field displays what percentage of the ZyWALL’s onboard flash
memory is currently being used.
This field displays how many traffic sessions are currently open on the
ZyWALL. These are the sessions that are traversing the ZyWALL. Hover
your cursor over this field to display icons. Click the Detail icon to go to
the Session Monitor screen to see details about the active sessions.
Click the Show Active Sessions icon to display a chart of ZyWALL’s
recent session usage.
If an Ethernet interface does not have any physical ports associated with
it, its entry is displayed in light gray text. Click the Detail icon to go to a
(more detailed) summary screen of interface statistics.
# This shows how many interfaces there are.
Name This field displays the name of each interface.
Status This field displays the current status of each interface. The possible
values depend on what type of interface it is.
For Ethernet interfaces:
Inactive - The Ethernet interface is disabled.
Down - The Ethernet interface does not have any physical ports
associated with it or the Ethernet interface is enabled but not connected.
Speed / Duplex - The Ethernet interface is enabled and connected.
This field displays the port speed and duplex setting (Full or Half).
For cellular (3G) interfaces, see Section 9.9 on page 183 for the status
that can appear.
Zone This field displays the zone to which the interface is currently assigned.
IP Address This field displays the current IP address assigned to the interface. If the
IP address is, the interface is disabled or did not receive an IP
address and subnet mask via DHCP.
If this interface is a member of an active virtual router, this field displays
the IP address it is currently using. This is either the static IP address of
the interface (if it is the master) or the management IP address (if it is a
Action Use this field to get or to update the IP address for the interface.
Click Renew to send a new DHCP request to a DHCP server.
Click the Connect icon to have the ZyWALL try to connect a PPPoE/PPTP
interface. If the interface cannot use one of these ways to get or to
update its IP address, this field displays n/a.
Click the Disconnect icon to stop a PPPoE/PPTP connection.
Extension Slot This section of the screen displays the status of the extension card slot
and the USB ports.
Slot This field displays the name of each extension slot.
Device This field displays the name of the device connected to the extension slot
(or none if no device is detected).
Table 19 Dashboard (continued)