Chapter 32 Content Filtering
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select it and
click Move to display a field to type a number for where you want
to put that entry and press [ENTER] to move the entry to the
number that you typed.
# This column lists the index numbers of the content filter policies.
The ordering of the content filter policies is important as they are
used in the order they are listed. The ZyWALL checks requests for
Web sessions against the list of content filter policies (starting from
the first in the list). The ZyWALL’s content filter feature blocks or
allows the Web session according to the first matching content
filter policy and does not check any other content filter policies.
The ZyWALL does not perform content filter on Web session
requests that do not match any of the content filter policies.
Status The activate (light bulb) icon is lit when the entry is active and
dimmed when the entry is inactive.
Address A content filter policy applies to web access from the IP addresses
listed here. any means the content filter policy applies to all of the
web access requests that the ZyWALL receives from any IP
Schedule This column displays the name of the schedule for each content
filter policy. You can define different policies for different time
periods. none means the content filter policy applies all of the
User This column displays the individual or group to which this policy
applies. any means the content filter policy applies to all of the
web access requests that the ZyWALL receives from any user.
Filter Profile This column displays the name of the content filter profile that
each content filter policy uses. The content filter profile defines to
which web services, web sites or web site categories access is to
be allowed or denied.
Denied Access
Enter a message to be displayed when content filter blocks access
to a web page. Use up to 127 characters (0-9a-zA-Z;/?:@&=+$\.-
_!~*'()%,”). For example, “Access to this web page is not allowed.
Please contact the network administrator”.
It is also possible to leave this field blank if you have a URL
specified in the Redirect URL field. In this case if the content filter
blocks access to a web page, the ZyWALL just opens the web page
you specified without showing a denied access message.
Redirect URL Enter the URL of the web page to which you want to send users
when their web access is blocked by content filter. The web page
you specify here opens in a new frame below the denied access
Use “http://” or “https://” followed by up to 262 characters (0-9a-
zA-Z;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%). For example,
blocked access.
Table 159 Configuration > Anti-X > Content Filter > General (continued)