Chapter 28 Application Patrol
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
28.3.2 The Application Patrol Policy Edit Screen
The Application Policy Edit screen allows you to edit a group of settings for an
application. To access this screen, go to the application patrol Common, Instant
Messenger, Peer to Peer, VoIP, or Streaming screen and click an application’s
Edit icon. Then click the Add icon or an Edit icon in the Policy table. The screen
displayed here is for the MSN instant messenger service.
Figure 278 Application Policy Edit
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
OK Click OK to save your changes back to the ZyWALL.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving your changes.
Table 131 Application Edit (continued)
Table 132 Application Policy Edit
Create new
Use to configure any new settings objects that you need to use in this
Enable Policy Select this check box to turn on this policy for the application.
Port Use this field to specify a specific port number to which to apply this
policy. Type zero, if this policy applies for every port number.