System Configuration Section 1-3
1-3-1 Peripheral Devices That Can Be Connected
The following peripheral devices can be connected to an NT631/NT631C.
• Bar code reader (page 36)
• Recommended printers (page 36)
It is also possible to use printers that can emulate an NEC PC-PR201H
(using the NEC PC-PR201PL control protocol), and printers that comply
with one of the following EPSON control standards: ESC/P 24-J83C (col-
or), or ESC/P 24-J82 (monochrome).
• Memory Unit (page 39)
• NT-MF261 (made by OMRON)
• Support Tool (page 35)
NT-series Support Tool Version 4.@ for Windows (Made by OMRON)
• NT-ZJCAT1-EV4 (CD-ROM version)
• System installer (page 35)
• System installer (made by OMRON)
The system installer is supplied as a standard accessory with the Support
Tool (NT-ZJCAT1-EV4).
Reference: The following optional devices are available. All of them can be used either
with NT631 or NT631C.
Anti-reflective Protective NT610C-KBA04
Sheet (5 pcs/set)
Chemical-resistant Cover NT625-KBA01
Replacement Battery 3G2A9-BAT08
Memory link: Can be connected to a personal computer, FA computer, etc.
Other companies' PLCs can also be connected.
Bar code reader
Personal computer
Running Windows 95/98/NT
Support Tool
System installer
Memory unit NT631/NT631C
Controls the NT631/NT631C as required while controlling machines and
monitoring the production line.
Host Link: CS/CJ-series, C-series, and CVM1/CV-series PLC, and SRM1
Can be connected to CPU Units, Host Link Units, and SRM1.
However, connection is not possible to some models of CPU
Unit and SRM1.
NT link: CS/CJ-series, C-series, and CVM1/CV-series PLC, and SRM1
Can be connected to CPU Units and SRM1. However,
connection is not possible to some models.
Used to create screens for the
NT631/NT631C at the personal
computer and transmit them to
the NT631/NT631C, and to
make NT631/NT631C settings.
Used to change the system
program of the NT631/NT631C.
Displays production line monitoring and
instructions to the operation site, and
notifies the host of the switch ON/OFF
status and numeric value inputs.
When a 1:N NT Link is being used, up
to 8 PTs can be connected to a single
Can store screen data
and system program to
be read out
automatically at
For printing out the
currently displayed
NT631/NT631C screen.
RS-232C cable
(max. 15 m) or
RS-422A/485 cable
(max. 500 m)
Bar codes can be read
as character strings.