Device Monitor Function Section 6-13
CPM1, CPM2A, or SRM1 The 1:1 NT Link can be used in all CPU Units and the 1:N NT Link can also be
used in -V2 and higher versions of the SRM1. The connection method is
exactly the same as for the 1:1 NT Link or 1:N NT Link. With a CPM1, connect
the RS-232C cable to the peripheral port via a CPM1-CIF01 RS-232C
Adapter or CPM1-CIF11 RS-422A Adapter.
Refer to SECTION 4 Connecting to the Host from the RS-232C Port or SEC-
TION 5 Connecting to the Host from the RS-422A/485 Port for details on con-
necting to the PLC.
CPM2C The 1:1 NT Link can be used. The connection method is the same as for the
NT Link (1:1). Connect to the PLC’s communications connector with a
CPM2C-CN111 or CS1W-CN114/118 Connecting Cable, a CPM1-CIF01 RS-
232C Adapter, or a CPM1-CIF11 RS-422A Adapter.
Refer to SECTION 4 Connecting to the Host from the RS-232C Port or SEC-
TION 5 Connecting to the Host from the RS-422A/485 Port for details on con-
necting to the PLC.
CS/CJ-series PLC The 1:N NT Link (standard or high-speed) can be used. The connection
method is exactly the same as for the 1:N NT Link.
Refer to SECTION 4 Connecting to the Host from the RS-232C Port or SEC-
TION 5 Connecting to the Host from the RS-422A/485 Port for details on con-
necting to the PLC.