System Maintenance Section 6-11
Example Print-out
All of the recorded data is printed out in the same order as on the currently
displayed screen.
Sort by occurrence method, from oldest record
6-11-6 Checking Screen Data
The NT631/NT631C allows the registered screens (Nos. 1 to 3999) to be dis-
played and checked by operation from the System Menu.
Reference: • Window screens cannot be displayed by operation from the System
• Only the user screens (Nos. 1 to 3999) can be displayed. Screens for sys-
tem use cannot be displayed.
No. Comment YY/MM/DD HH:MM 01/01
1 Remote I/O Error 98/02/06 16:02
2 PIC Unit Error 98/02/07 09:21
3 Cycle Time Over 98/02/17 15:44
Press Quit.
If necessary, select the next or previous
screen by pressing [↓] (next screen) or
[↑] (previous screen).
The example screen to the left shows a
display for the sort by occurrence
method (from oldest record).
If required, press Prt. to print the display
history record data.
The NT631/NT631C returns to the