Responding to Displayed Error Messages Section 7-2
[No Starting Screen]
Specified Starting Screen is not saved.
Fix Screen Data using by the Support
Then set the PT to the TRANSMIT
MODE and download Screen Data again.
No data is registered for either the
screen number set in the PT sta-
tus control area or the Initial
Screen set with the Support Tool.
Or the screen number which does
not exist are registered.
Either specify a screen number for which
data is registered at the PT status control
area, or set the screen as the Initial
Screen in the System settings under PT
Configuration at the Support Tool.
[Touch Panel is disconnected] The touch panel cable (film cable)
inside the NT631/NT631C is dis-
If this message appears after the backlight
is replaced, reinstall the touch panel prop-
erly referring to Replacing the Backlight
(page 236). If the message keeps appear-
ing, contact your OMRON service center.
[Memory Switch Corrupted]
Because Memory Switch setting was
last. Initialized Memory Switch setting.
Press Confirm to return to the SYSTEM
The memory switches have been
initialized due to discovery of an
error in the memory switch set-
Set the memory switches again using the
System Menu and the System settings
under PT Configuration at the Support
Tool. (SECTION 6 System Menu Opera-
If the problem recurs, contact your
OMRON service center.
[Calendar Data Error]
Calendar Data is incorrect.
set Calendar Data.
There is an error in the date/time
values due, for example, to low
battery voltage.
Check the battery voltage by checking the
color of the RUN LED and with the battery
check in the System Menu; if the voltage is
low, replace the battery with a new one.
(Checking the Battery Voltage, page 208,
and 7-3-1 Replacing the Battery,
page 241)
If the battery voltage is confirmed to be
normal, set the calendar clock correctly
from the System Menu. (6-11-2 Display-
ing/Setting the Calendar and Clock,
page 191)
[Backup Data Error]
Memory table and History data was ini-
tialized by backup failure.
It can be caused by lowered voltage of
the battery.
Initialization has been executed
because of an error in the backup
data area.
Check the battery voltage by checking the
color of the RUN LED and with the battery
check in the System Menu; if the voltage is
low, replace the battery with a new one.
(Checking the Battery Voltage, page 208,
and 7-3-1 Replacing the Battery,
page 241)
The re-transmit the memory table data
from the Support Tool.
If the voltage is normal and the problem
recurs, contact your OMRON service cen-
[With memory switch setting screen]
Invalid Comm. Method
Protocol settings for serial port A
and serial port B are mismatched.
Refer to Possible Combinations of Com-
munications Method Settings on page 154
and set the protocol of serial port A and
serial port B so that their settings are
* Set serial port A to None when connect-
ing the Support Tool and the host at the
same time.
Message Cause Remedy